Do you feel like the same sh*t just keeps happening to you?
If you’ve found this page, I’m willing to guess that you’ve reached a point in your life where you’re looking around and realizing that things haven’t gone quite how you'd planned. And now, you’re ready to start changing that.
Whether it be relationships, career, living situation, self criticism or feeling like you should be happier or more satisfied with your circumstances, shadow integration can help!
SHADOWBORN will teach you how to change the things that have been stuck.
When I came across shadow integration work, I’d been in the throes of a multi-year obsession with Ayahuasca and other intense plant medicine work. Despite my unerring belief that Ayahuasca was the ultimate healing elixir, I was at an all time low in my life.
I lived and worked 5 hours from where my kids went to school, so I spent the vast majority of my time in the car. Because of this, I couldn’t make or hold money to change my circumstances. I was in an absurd amount of debt and several months behind on my electricity bill. I was in a state of extreme physical sensitivity and struggled with the feeling of constant fatigue. I felt unsafe and threatened by the father of my two kids and therefore completely trapped. I was a victim to my circumstances and while my work with psychedelics gave me great visionary insights… it did nothing to help me with my situation. In fact, it only made me more sensitive and brought me deeper into debt.
Using the exact tools that I’m teaching right here in SHADOWBORN, I was able to…
+ move closer to my kids school
+ start making enough money to begin paying off my debt
+ find my internal motivation and inspiration again
+ improve my relationship with my ex and bring some sovereignty back into my life
+ feel capable of shaping my own life.
And that was only in the first year! Since then, my life has become bountiful and rich with creative fulfillment, love and a sense of security.
Shadowborn is a comprehensive course that equips you with the knowledge and skills to embrace your shadow aspects, release limiting patterns, and cultivate a profound sense of inner harmony and self-discovery.
“Shadowborn has definitely delivered on my expectations. My biggest breakthrough was a very intense connection with my Shadow which came about during the EK lesson, which totally changed how I conceived of everything around self work. The guided meditations are wonderful and will be things I come back to.”
keep your cool
Want to learn to be the master of your life? The first skill here is foundational and it’s a shame that we don’t learn this from childhood. In Lesson 1 you’ll learn how to regulate your nervous system… ie. master your triggers. This will give you the upper hand next time something unexpected or highly sensational comes your way.
love your monsters
I know we’re all sick of hearing about self-love… but shadow integration is all about opening yourself up to what’s beneath. Usually, that means owning some of the things you’ve been keeping from yourself. This is what true self love looks like.
embodiment works
The shadow lives in the body, this is where we explore how to put that bit of information to work! Massive strides can be made towards clearing the muck out of your psyche without even having to get deep into the trenches of childhood traumas or stories about yourself. You can work directly with the sensations in your body to heal and clear.
you can
You are capable of exactly what you believe yourself to be capable of… and most of your beliefs are beyond your awareness! Let’s update those old beliefs and usher in a new story about what’s possible in this life.
existential kink
As a certified Existential Kink coach who now trains and certifies new Existential Kink coaches, you bet I’m going to teach this incredible practice. Honestly, EK is possibly the most transformational tool I’ve ever come across. Just wait… you’ll see.
bring it forward
This is where you can pull it all together and wield your own self sovereignty.
For a limited time, I’m offering my personal Telegram chat handle to support anyone who joins this course. This offer may expire at any time, but I want to be able to support you and answer any questions you have as you move through the lessons.
“Shadowborn is like the ultimate toolkit to show you how to get your shit together.”
Lucy Baldwin
If you’ve found this page, you probably know a little bit about me. I am a coach, teacher, priestess and soon to be author.
I teach a variety of courses on Magick and I train & certify Existential Kink coaches. I’m a priestess and faculty member of the Sleepover Mystery School, which is a nine-month magickal initiation that involves a lot of shadow integration and self exploration.
I’m passionate about helping people unlock their minds. I can’t unsee the way we limit ourselves because we’re stuck in thought patterns and unhelpful beliefs. Teaching the tools to free the mind and find heaven on earth is what I’m here to do.
Shadowborn is an entry-level course I’ve created to teach shadow integration so that it’s accessible to anyone and everyone.