Shadow Work Introductory Guide


Guided Shadow Work Meditation


Introduction to Shadow Integration

by Lucy Baldwin


This lesson and accompanying guided meditation serve as an introduction to the key elements of shadow integration work. The goal is to help you understand what shadow integration is all about and give you a taste of what it feels like.

The Philosophy:

Shadow integration is founded in the understanding that our minds are vastly more expansive than we consciously realize. Many of us are already aware of the fact that we often perform many of our daily tasks and functions without even paying attention to what we're doing.

While we're thinking about work or planning our next meal, it's our subconscious mind that's living out our lives. When we first realize this it can be a little intimidating, but the more we recognize just how much power we give to our unconscious mind, the more we understand the impact that shadow integration can have on our lives.

Shadow integration is all about uncovering the thoughts, beliefs, habits and behavioral patterns that exist in our subconscious and bringing them into alignment with what we consciously want for ourselves. Shadow integration is the process of integrating the conscious and unconscious minds.

Why 'Shadow':

Calling the unconscious mind the 'shadow' is a term that comes from Jungian psychology. The shadow is often thought of as the parts of ourselves that we deny, repress or otherwise try to hide. When I refer to the shadow, I'm referring to the whole of the unconscious, not only the parts that we might have previously tried to shove away.


The way that I practice and teach shadow integration is very much founded in a few very basic principles and some incredibly effective practices that I've been working to master since I've been on my path of self transformation.

Shadow integration works so well because it's founded in the understanding that we are inherently complex creatures with conflicting ideas and beliefs, and the fastest most powerful way to resolve our inner conflict is to face it, not push it away, burry it, or otherwise try to 'transcend' it.

Three Key Principles of Shadow Integration:

Here are three key principles to shadow integration; these principles are what separate shadow integration from other transformational philosophies that you might've previously encountered. (As you listen to the guided meditation, you'll recognize some of these principles.)

  • Courage to face our truths.

    When we practice shadow integration we don't shy away from our blocks, edges, or the parts of ourselves that feel shameful and wrong. We explicitly work to allow these parts of ourselves to express as sensation, thoughts, etc.

The easist way to move past a block is not to break it down, shove it down, force it out of the way... the easiest way is to simply have a loving conversation with it!

  • Giving total approval.
    This is an ongoing practice. If you've ever experienced a moment of being in complete and total approval for your full self and all things, then you will remember it as a moment of enlightenment.

  • Our triggers are our greatest teachers.
    When we feel triggered, it's because there's some part of us that's not totally integrated or resolved. Feeling reactionary or particularly off-center in response to something - whether it be internal or external - shows us a part of ourselves where shadow integration tools can be applied for maximum effect.

Thank you for your attention and for learning about shadow integration!


Thank you!

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